Our latest figures reveal that during the last year, more than half of disputes about the return of tenancy deposits resulted from property damage (27.30%) and cleaning (26.64%).
“Cleaning and damage were the most likely causes of disputes during the last 12 months and are closely related,” said Matt Trevett, Managing Director at The DPS. “By not cleaning – for example, leaving the build-up of grease or grime in an oven to the point where a professional cleaner cannot rectify it – tenants run the risk of damage for which they are then liable, depending on the obligations set out in their tenancy agreement.”
“To avoid disagreements and ensure a swift conclusion to the tenancy, we always recommend that landlords communicate clearly with tenants about their responsibilities,” he added. “Tenants must also abide by the obligations set out in their tenancy agreements.”
When tenants and landlords don’t agree about how much of a deposit should be returned at the end of the tenancy, our free, impartial dispute resolution service ensures a fair conclusion, without the need for complex or expensive legal proceedings.
“Less than three per cent of the deposits protected by The DPS fall into dispute,” said Matt. “We work hard to provide a wealth of online information to help landlords avoid a dispute or to deal with one should it arise.”
To ensure your tenants understand their obligations and prevent disputes before they happen, share our tenants guide.